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The national postgraduate research school of the Swedish Institute for Health Sciences (Vårdalinstitutet), directed towards interdisciplinary research within the sphere of health care and social service


The education is carried out in collaboration with the relevant departments at universities and other institutes of higher education in Sweden. The doctoral students are registered at one or other such department, participate in the activities of the Institute and work on their dissertations within one of its research platforms.


This means that the student will choose among courses offered by the Institute and will participate in workshops and thematic seminars with doctoral students and researchers representing a broad range of subjects, chiefly Medicine, Social Sciences, Humanities, Theology and Economics. Within the framework of the research platforms, the students can fashion their education in accordance with their specific research subject, background and interests.


For more information, please get in touch with Markus Idvall, director of studies, [email protected] or Gerd Ahlström, Director of the Swedish Institute of Health Sciences, [email protected]